Northspan Year in Review: 2023

The numbers are in! Northspan clients invested $1.4 million in 2023. Our clients included 38 business development clients, 14 community development clients, and 19 organizational development clients. 

President & CEO Elissa Hansen led the Northspan team through several transitions, including the retirement of Bob Palmquist after 30 years of serving as Northspan’s vice president. Promoted to vice president, Karl Schuettler stepped up to serve as a senior member of the Northspan leadership team. Zack Filipovich was promoted to consultant and finance manager, Amber Lewis completed a two-year fellowship and became a Northspan consultant and Welcoming Community program manager, and 2023 also saw Caitlin Vander Wal, Shaun Hainey, and Stefanie Sjelin join the team. 

Here’s a glance over highlights from our work in 2023: 

Key Events

Media Coverage 

Case Studies  

We look forward to working with you in 2024! You can also do a deeper dive into these and more of our projects on the Northspan blog.