Blandin Foundation Supports Northspan Valuation and Succession Work



Northspan is pleased to announce that the Blandin Foundation has funded Northspan’s efforts to provide business valuation and succession services in northeast Minnesota. Much like past grant support for Northspan’s business valuation and succession services, the funds assist certain businesses with the costs of valuations and successions. While the services are not free, the rate for services is dramatically lower.

Northspan thanks the Blandin Foundation for its generous support and in funding a critical need in many of our communities. With many baby boomers approaching retirement age, orderly transitions to new leadership are essential to maintain these community institutions and the jobs they create. Many businesses and their advisors recognize the importance of planning for the future and developing orderly transitions to keep their businesses thriving under leadership from a new generation.

Northspan’s Bob Palmquist has been an Accredited Business Appraiser through the Institute of Business Appraisers since 2010. Over the past ten years, he has completed dozens of valuations and laid the groundwork for succession planning services in northeast Minnesota. Contact Bob today at to learn more about Northspan’s business valuation and succession planning services.