NORTHFORCE: Quarterly Program Update

2023 Quarter 4 Update

In Spring 2023, NORTHFORCE received a grant from Age Friendly Minnesota to create a 43-page document titled Returnships: A Toolkit for Employers. Designed to help employers reach more pools of talent, the Toolkit contains information about creating a returnship program, ideas on how to identify positions that fit well for this type of work, and templates to customize for job descriptions, program handbooks, and feedback forms.  

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, returnships are similar to internships, except they are designed for people who have left the workplace for reasons like retirement or caregiving responsibilities. Integrating a returnship program helps businesses and organizations reach people who are interested in returning to the workforce, but might need additional training, a more flexible schedule, or just a little more time to adjust to working again after a break. 

If you are interested in learning more about Returnships: A Toolkit  for Employers, please reach out to Ali Bilden Camps, NORTHFORCE Program Manager at  The toolkit is a FREE resource, and we’d love to share it with you!